Neue NÖ Mittelschule Stift Zwettl

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Scary Halloween lessons at our school


On October 31st, 2014 a lot of ghosts, vampires and  witches of the second forms (2a,2b,2c) came into our school to practice the  tradition of Halloween. 
During the English lessons many games like „bobbing the apple“ or“ apples on a string“ were played. For „bobbing the apple" the children had to get apples out of bowls filled with water. So their faces were wet all over but they enjoyed it a lot. By the game “apples on a string" you have to eat apples which are on a string without using your hands.
Some children prepared  sketches and games. We sang scary songs and finally we had a Halloween lunch with red and orange vegetables, fruits, sweets and juice.
(Text: HOL Irmgard Schilcher)

Zuletzt aktualisiert am Dienstag, den 16. Dezember 2014 um 09:21 Uhr  

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